Data Centers

Details about the physical locations and hardware

High Availability Infrastructure

  • Carefully selected locations
  • High end hardware and frequent upgrades
  • Strong security and protection against disasters
  • High speed connections to major backbone networks
  • Compliance with international standards


Located in Germany, France and Canada, Power Hosting's state-of-the-art data centers provide an excellent and environmentally-friendly infrastructure for your Internet business. Multi-redundant network connections to important Internet backbones ensure fast website access regardless of whether you are on Power Hosting's web space or have opted for high-performance dedicated servers, managed servers or virtual servers.


Whatever its location, the data center should serve its purpose: data processing, network traffic, data security and service quality. Power Hosting is using high end hardware and software for being able to offer great services.


From time to time every business must eventually upgrade its servers and other hardware. For the same reason, Power Hosting is permanently investing in newer and more powerful equipment and all our hardware are the subject of periodic upgrades, in order to stay in sync with the technology evolution, security requirements and quality standards.


Each equipment has a recommended life-cycle and most of them are silently replaced, but when a server reaches its end of life, the content of that server has to be migrated to another one. That may also be required if a server fails for some reason. When needed, our techs are taking care of this and in most cases the migration process is seamless and hosting or VPS clients don't even notice.


The best part of all these efforts is the fact that your website will always be hosted on some of the best hardware in the industry, which means that your visitors will have a fast access to your pages, your applications will run faster, your data remains secure and also the prices will most likely remain low, due to technology advancement.

Data center technical overview

All our data centers are well protected and strategically distributed on two continents, close to major network backbones.

  • Redundant Power Supply
  • Climate Control
  • Fast Network
  • Fire Protection
  • DDOS Protection
  • High Security
  • Green Power

They chose to trust us

Power Tuning
Adrian Lesan
Glomer HR
Bead Art Romania
M Style Dance Studio