Web Hosting Features

A listing of hosting software and tools

Check our extended list of software, tools and configurations that we offer as part of our hosting services

Every feature listed here is included in ALL hosting plans, either a Core Feature or a Power Hosting feature

Web Hosting Full Features List

Our dedicated Power Services listed below are INCLUDED by default in all web hosting environments and all the other features are available for all hosting plans. Check our complete list of features and if you feel that something is missing, please let us know.

Power Features

Core Features

Development Features

Email Features

Statistic Features

Power Features

Powered By
Power Security
This is a complex package, created by us to offer to our customers multiple layers of protection against a wide range of possible threats that exist out there. Find out more here.
Power Support
24/7/365 support, up to 30 minutes ticket replies, 100% human support and highly qualified personnel ready to help and answer your questions. More details here.
Power Management
Our experts, with at least 15 years experience in server administration, web hosting, high level software automation and disaster recovery are taking care of the entire infrastructure, so you can benefit of a high quality web hosting. Find out more here.
Power Monitoring
All our servers, routers, switches and services are monitored, so that we know at any moment what is going on at any level of our infrastructure and take action whenever necessary. More details here.
Our infrastructure is built with last generation equipment, high performance CPUs and memory, fast SSDs, RAID 10 data redundancy and low latency networks. Our data centers are located on two continents, Europe and North America, so that we can ensure optimum connectivity for our customers.
We use the latest versions of the most secure operating systems and core software for our servers, such as CloudLinux, WHM/cPanel, Litespeed, Apache, MySQL, MariaDB and many others. We also provide a number of easy to use software and tools for our customers, with intuitive designs, making them accessible to everyone: Softaculous, Attracta, CloudFlare/Railgun, etc.
Backups of all data are saved periodically, so we can recover everything in case of disasters that are not in our power to prevent. The data of our customers is saved automatically on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis on at least two remote locations.
Instant Activation
A new hosting account is activated immediately, if the payment is made online, with a credit card or through PayPal. If the payment is made through bank transfer, the new accounts are activated as soon as the payment is confirmed.
Free Migration
We offer free data migration for anyone that is moving from other hosting locations to Power Hosting, with the condition that the former hosting account is also using cPanel. If another control panel was used, we will do our best to re-create the previous functionality by using cPanel, but from time to time some incompatibilities may occur and we will inform the client about that. Even though we have all the good will and a strong sense of involvement in helping each client during the migration process, in rare situations when we don't have enough access or the hosting software differences are too big and the migration process would take too long, we reserve the right to ask the client to pay a fee, hourly or for the entire process, or even to refuse to proceed. If you need other types of data migration, please contact us to discuss the available options.
Here you can benefit of a 30 Days Money Back guarantee, so you can make sure that our services are what you need. The customers who want a full refund of the amount paid for hosting, have to send a clear statement by email to Sales Department, or by the integrated support system, in up to 30 days since the payment for the hosting service was processed. The request have to contain the customer identification information, the confirmation that all data in his/her hosting account was saved, optionally the reason for the request and the needed information for the refund operation. In other words, you have the possibility to test our services for a month and if, for some reason, you consider that you are not completely satisfied with these hosting services, then you can terminate your account and ask for a refund. In up to 30 days from your refund request, we will send back to you the amount paid for the hosting service minus any associated transaction fees or card processing fees.
We also guarantee 99.9% uptime. If your shared or reseller hosting service had a physical downtime that falls short of the 99.9% uptime guarantee, you may receive one month of credit on your account. This uptime guarantee does not apply to planned maintenance. To request a credit, please visit Client Area to create a support ticket to our Billing Department with justification, within 30 days of the end of the month for which you are requesting a credit. Approval of any credit is at the sole discretion of Power Hosting and may be dependent upon the justification provided. Third party monitoring service reports may not be used for justification due to a variety of factors including the monitor's network capacity/transit availability. The uptime of the server is defined as the reported uptime from the operating system and the Apache Web Server which may differ from the uptime reported by other individual services.
We understand that some our customers may need various types of help and support, that are not included in our generic packages or predefined support plans. That is why we offer a wide range of paid services, such as consulting and interventions, related to uncommon data migrations, additional services, software and hardware design, OS level security audits, performance testing and tuning, learning and training, etc. Please contact us with your enquiry and our team will be happy to assist you.
Even though we use powerful and fast software, the best performance is achieved by properly configuring and optimizing software (Apache, MySQL, PHP, etc), according to the hardware they run on and also according to the various situations that occur in day to day usage. We also use dedicated caching software like special PHP modules or even dedicated software like Varnish.
One of the most important aspects of web hosting is the ability that each client have, to control and manage most of the virtual resources that they have access to. Thus, you can easily add, delete or modify all kind of resources, such as domains, subdomains, email accounts, databases, DNS records, Reverse DNS records, etc.
You can benefit of various offers that companies specialized in online marketing or search engine optimization (SEO) have prepared for clients that are starting a new website with us, such as Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc. Usually these offers are for new clients, but not always.
Many of our clients are using the services that we offer, for hosting online shops. These have to comply with various rules and regulations and ensure that they offer secure conditions for online transactions. We support our clients by offering free SSL certificates and ensuring high security standards and PCI compliance.
These days, search engine optimization (SEO) is an essential online marketing technique. We help our clients to comply with the search engines requirements, by offering free SSL certificates, dedicated IPs and SEO tools such as Attracta.
We live in a period when more and more cutting edge discoveries and innovations are made everyday and we are doing our best to keep up with the most important ones, so you can benefit of such innovations as soon as possible. We are mostly interested to make available the old and new features simultaneously, so no separate locations are required, just as we do with PHP versions and HTTP protocols (we offer multiple PHP versions to chose from: 5.4 to 7.1 and also two HTTP protocols: HTTP/1 and HTTP/2).

Core Features

Powered By
We offer the possibility to create unlimited virtual resources for you, your team or collaborators. With all our hosting packages, you have unlimited Bandwidth, FTP Accounts, Email Accounts, Email Lists, Databases, Sub Domains and Parked Domains.
Account Isolation
Cloudlinux Logo
Because each of our client's hosting experience is important for us, we keep our clients accounts isolated, for security and resource usage reasons, so that in situations where a particular account is compromised or some broken scripts are using many resources, that will not affect the other accounts. For that, we use the latest security oriented server operating systems such as CloudLinux with improvements and tools like LVE (Lightweight Virtual Environment) and CageFS.
1-Click Apps Installer
Softaculous Logo
These days there are a lot of web software to choose from and some may be more appropriate for your page than others, but these are not usually easy to install, configure and maintain for anyone. That's why we offer a well known web software manager, called Softaculous, that you can use to install any of your favorite web software. If you need to build a portal, create a forum, sell your products, start an educational website, bring online your real estate business, offer online support to your customers, create your website or just your own blog, you can choose from the following categories: Blogs, Portals/CMS, Forums, E-Commerce, Image Galleries, Wikis, Social Networking, Ad Management, Calendars, Gaming, Email, Customer Support, Frameworks, Educational, Polls and Analytics, Project Management, Guest Books, File Management, DB Tools, Music, Video and many others. From the listed categories, the top rated software are: WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, WHMCS, Prestashop, AbanteCart, Opencart, phpBB, SMF, myBB, Open Real Estate, Dolphin, B2evolution, BoldGrid, Moodle and others. The top software usually have more features, but less known ones may offer you a more friendly interface for exactly what you need. You only have to pick one, customize it a bit and make it available online under your domain name, in order to start receiving visits. Now you are 1-click away from deploying your website in seconds and you can also update and backup periodically your chosen software (highly recommended for keeping it secure).
Free SSL
Having secure, encrypted web access became a common sense feature these days for most websites and is a basic requirement for E-commerce websites, in order to be allowed to sell online. By using dedicated SSL services, we are now able to offer free SSL certification to our clients for any website. We actually encourage everyone to use it, for various reasons, such as SEO.
Internet Protocols
We offer addresses in both currently used Internet Protocol (IP) spaces: IPv4 and IPv6. As you may know, the regular IPv4 addresses space, that most of us are used to (Ex:, is quite limited and is depleting day by day, so dedicated IP addresses are not anymore a resource that can be offered for free, as happened some time ago. That's why the new protocol called IPv6, with its very large address space (Ex: 111a:222b:333c:444d:555e:666f:7777:8888), is becoming more and more used. While the IPv4 addresses are becoming less and less available and their costs increase, the IPv6 address space is so large that we are able to offer free addresses for everyone.
DNS Management
Having domain name is only the first step in the process of creating you own website and you also need a way to associate your domain to an IP address, create subdomains, define your mail exchanger or add any other records that may be required these days. Such feature is called DNS (Domain Name Service) management. We offer this management service, with an easy and intuitive interface, where you can add DNS records with minimum knowledge of the DNS protocol.
Backup Wizard
In order to avoid losing your data in case of disasters or any other extraordinary and unpredictable events, you have to periodically create backups of all your data. We come to help you in this effort, by providing various tools that make this process easy. One such tool is the Backup Wizard, that is available in your control panel account, which reduces the manual backup work to few clicks.

Development Features

Powered By
We know that developers need various software, that are very helpful in their work, and that is why we are offering software like: NPM, Node.js, Composer, etc.
We offer the comonly used versioning software for developers: Git and SVN.
There are some tools and utilities, developed recently, that offer important help in the administration of some software or third party services. That is why we decided to install and offer such tools to developers: drush, wp-cli, wp-tools, s3cmd, AWS CLI, etc.
By default we offer FTP, FTPS and DAV access for file management. For developers, we also offer, by request, SSH/SCP/SFTP access to a limited number of remote IPs, for security reasons.
Audio/Video & Converters
We offer support for audio, video and image processing, such as FFMpeg, FFMpeg-PHP, libogg, libvorbis, libx264, libx265, FLV2Tool, Lame MP3 Encoder, Mplayer/Mencoder, ImageMagick/MagickWand. etc.
We understand the fact that various web software may require different PHP versions and settings. Thats why we offer support for multiple PHP versions, that are not old enough to be considered vulnerable: 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 7.0, 7.1. Also, in order to create custom PHP settings, we offer the possibility for each user to have a dedicated php.ini file for his/her own hosting account.
The database types that we currently offer are MySQL 5.6, 5.7 (with MyISAM, InnoDB), MariaDB 10 (with MyISAM, InnoDB, XtraDB, Aria) with barracuda file format and PostgreSQL 9.
We provide by default a set of tools that help you manage files, restrict access to some resources, run automate jobs at specified times, set up simple and complex redirects or deliver content in a specific format: Web File Manager, Protected Folders, Cron Jobs , mod_rewrite, .htaccess, MIME types.
Error Pages
Most of the possible web error codes are configured by default in the web service, in order to let the visitors know what happens when something goes wrong. However, you may want to customize these error responses, by creating and configuring your own error pages.
Server Side Includes
For the ones who use Server Side Includes (SSI), we offer support for SSI code and for recognizing .shtm and .shtml file types.
Programming Languages
We offer support for multiple programming languages for both running your web pages (PHP, Ruby on Rails) and as program execution (PHP, Perl, Python, Java, Ruby).
We use various protocols (CGI, FastCGI), containers (Tomcat 7) and web process managers (suPHP, mod_ruid2, lsapi, mod_passenger) that allow running your web pages with user privilege separation on various programming languages.
Libraries and extensions
By default, the web software have included support for: openssl, curl, GD, MCrypt, imagick, imap, mbstring, mcrypt, mhash, PDO, soap, XML, opcache, Zend.
For software with encoded PHP source, we offer libraries support: ioncube, sourceguardian, phpshield.
Support for Javascript, DHTML, Audio, Video, Flash, Shockwave.

Email Features

Powered By
Our email services come by default with all existing protocols: POP3 / POP3-SSL, IMAP / IMAP-SSL, SMTP / SMTP-SSL.
You can choose any of the well known webmail interfaces at any time: Horde, SquirrelMail, RoundCube.
Email forwarding options for all email accounts.
Auto Responders
You have the possibility to create auto responders for periods where you are not available.
Catch Alls
You can configure catch all addresses for all incoming emails that are received on each of your domains.
We enable by default and highly recommend all the email validation protocols: SPF, DKIM, dmarc, reverse DNS for server hostname, etc, for ensuring a correct delivery of your messages to all destinations.
Filters & Spam
We offer the possibility to create custom spam filters or any kind of filters, that help you better manage your messages.
You can easily configure any email client on any device, that can connect to our email servers to receive and send messages.

Statistic Features

Powered By
Having a more friendly view of the your website's activity is almost a requirement these days. For that we offer well known log file analysis and statistical software, such as Awstats or Webalizer.
Statistics for resource usage, web and FTP access.
Logs View
You have view access to all web service logs: access logs and error logs.
Logs Download
You can download the logs in raw format.

Power Features

Core Features

Development Features

Email Features

Statistic Features

Services included in all Web Hosting Plans

Our Power Services are designed to address all web hosting needs and requirements

Power Security

We take data security very seriously, so we have brought together a set of tools that, when combined, can offer a strong protection against all known security threats.

Power Security

Real Time Security Scanning

The most efficient protection system is the one that acts immediately and blocks a threat when it is encountered first time. That is why we use various software that detect web attacks or vulnerability scanners and quickly deny access from the attacker IP address. Also all uploaded files are scanned as they arrive and are immediately moved to quarantine if detected as infected with viruses or malware.


Our hosting servers have antivirus support with daily virus information database updates. It is used dynamically for email and real time security scanning, but also can be used to scan specific files when needed, even though is unlikely that infected files already gone through.

DDoS Protection

Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks are rare, but sometimes are the most difficult to stop. Our firewalls are detecting and stopping most of these attacks, but the main protection comes from the fact that we create virtual environments with specific resources for each account and if one domain/account is attacked, the others are not affected.


We have built a complex firewall with multiple layers, that can detect and block a wide range of attacks. This is improved periodically with new rule sets and software versions, according to the latest security recommendations and also based on our continuous experience with various attacks and intrusion attempts.


We use powerful anti-spam tools that filter all your emails and prevent unsolicited messages to reach your inbox.

PCI Compliance

We make sure that our software and configurations are in compliance with the payment card industry data security standards (PCI DSS). In other words, we offer the most secure software versions and protocols and high levels of data encryption.

SSL Certificates

Data security is one of the most important topics these days and there are many projects and authorities supporting it. We use automated and free certificate authorities, that issue SSL certificates at request. We enable by default secure websites and encryption for all domains. These certificates can be changed or disabled at any time by the account owner.


We provide multiple ways to access your hosting account: secure web panel, FTP, FTPS, SSH, SFTP/SCP.

Automatic Bruteforce Detection

Quite frequently some automate malware scans or hackers will try to gain unauthorized access to our servers or to our customers accounts. Thats why we have built specific protection systems against brute force attacks, like blocking IPs that failed to log in several times in a row, watching service logs and blocking IPs that tried to access multiple accounts in a short period of time and so on.

IP Deny Manager

You can block or allow specific IP addresses or IP address classes, whenever you need, so you can configure specific access to your website.

Hotlink Protection

This prevents other websites from directly linking to files and pictures on your website. Other sites will only be able to link to file types that you don't specify here. By using this, if you want to, you can prevent other websites to use in their web pages content directly linked from your website.

Open PGP/GPG Encryption

You can use the OpenPGP/GPG interface to generate PGP keys, that can be used to encrypt/decrypt the data that is sent or received. You can also use this feature with the Horde web mail, so you can send and receive encrypted email messages.

Do you want Power Security services installed on your server/VPS? Click on the button below to find out more about the dedicated Power Security solution for servers.

Power Support

We offer assistance in troubleshooting and solving hosting related problems or receiving answers to your questions. Our specialists are ready to answer to your requests at any time.

24/7/365 Availability

Our support team is available 24/7/365, so we can be of assistance at any time.

10 Minutes Tickets Reply

All tickets are answered in up to 10 minutes (first reply) and the average resolution time is 30 minutes.

Human Assistance

Even though we offer detailed informations and howto's on our Wiki and FAQ pages, human assistance is still considered important, because our clients don’t always call in general questions. A lot of them have genuine concerns that need attention and a certain level of expertise.

Qualified Personnel

Our support staff consists of specialists in their field of work, such as engineers, analysts and technicians, that can offer assistance on various levels of expertise.

Multiple contact methods

You can choose any of the available contact methods that we offer: Email, Live chat, Telephone

Do you want the Power Support service for your hosting business? Click on the button below to find out more about the dedicated Power Support solution for hosting providers.

Power Monitoring

This is our dedicated monitoring service and all our systems and services are monitored at any moment.. We are able to detect and fix quickly any problem that may occur, in most cases even before becoming visible to our customers.

24/7/365 Monitoring

The monitoring service is running 24/7/365 and we know at any moment what is the status of our systems and services.

Instant Alerts

Instant automate alerts are sent to our monitoring team if something is not functioning properly.

System and Services Status

Our personnel is watching the systems and services status, even though there are no problems, to see how they are working and what can be improved.


The monitoring service is saving detailed statistics and graphs of all monitored variables, such as system resource usage and service status, so they can be analyzed at any time.

Do you need the Power Monitoring service for your Server/VPS? Click on the button below to find out more about the dedicated Power Monitoring service for servers.

Power Management

Our specialists are taking care of all systems, performing frequent security updates, checking monitoring stats and making necessary changes, so that everything is fully optimized and working smoothly at any time.

High Level Automation

We have created a large collection of programs and scripts that are executed automatically to apply immediate corrections when problems are detected. This collection is subject of frequent modifications in order to extend its utility to a larger number of situations.

Quick Human Intervention

In up to 15 minutes from each alert, we ensure human intervention to check and fix problems that could not be handled by our automate correction systems.

Fast Problem Detection

We detect quickly any existing or even potential problem and we are able to address most o them, in many cases before they become visible to our customers.

Periodic Hardware Upgrades

New, faster and more powerful hardware are released every day and we plan and schedule hardware upgrades periodically, in order to be able to offer the best hosting experience to our customers. The progress of technology allows us giving you the highest level of quality and speed.

Frequent Software Updates

In order to respect security standards and also for benefiting from latest innovations, we perform periodic software updates, using only stable and secure versions. We make sure that we applied the latest security updates and that we provide the most efficient tools to our customers.

Disaster Recovery

We take all measures to prevent all kind of known problems, but even though unlikely, a disaster is still possible, caused by forces or situations beyond our control. We are prepared for such situations as well and we can restore everything in the shortest possible time. We are able to restore entire servers and hundreds of gigabytes of data from backups in several hours.

Expert Senior Staff

Our servers management team has highly qualified members, senior experts in their fields of work, and even dificult situations are taken care of in the most efficient manner. Each member has many years of experience and is used to dealing with many uncommon issues that may come up.

Do you need the Power Management service for your Server/VPS? Click on the button below to find out more about the dedicated Power Management service for servers.

Need more control?

Take a look at our reseller plans, which provide you a higher level of resource management and where you have the possibility of creating and selling your own hosting accounts.

Web Hosting Powered By


The web hosting may seem simple at its surface, but implies hundreds of software, from Operating Systems and firewalls, to web software or control panels and also various hardware. All these are operated by our specialists, who know exactly how they work and what are the best configurations, or the most appropriate actions to take whenever needed. All these are evolving quickly and we have to stay in sync with the new developments in this field.


We really like what we do here, in this company. Our work brings us joy and that is the reason why we offer attention to all the details and we are able to remain efficient even in situations of stress and tiredness, if these occur. We do not step back from difficult tasks and no effort is too big, as long as we do what we do with passion. In the long run, this leaves a good mark on the services quality and the customer satisfaction.


Experience is the last key ingredient in the recipe for success. There is no expert without experience, no matter how knowledgeable or passionate is. Each of us have at least 10 years of experience in our fields of work and we have encountered most of the common or uncommon situations before. There are not many situations that can come as a surprise for us and we are able to act quickly and efficiently, based on past experience.

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